Motherhood: The Ultimate Project

They say it’s the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world.  From personal experience, I tend to agree. 

Here are some things you might want to consider if you are a new or prospective Mum:

1.    Don’t try to be perfect

Perfection and children don’t mix.  They are, by nature, unpredictable and messy.  In fact, striving for perfection will probably make you and your child a tangled ball of nerves. The best thing you can do is relax and go with the flow. Babies are some of the most intuitive humans I know and they will notice and mirror any stress around them.

2.    Self-care is non-negotiable

Remember the old ‘put on your own oxygen mask first’? This definitely applies to motherhood. If you are an exhausted mess, you won’t be good for anyone.  I suggest sleeping when baby sleeps.  Get out in the sunshine and spend some time doing what you love.  Housework can wait. Say yes to anyone who offers to help. Nurture the relationships that matter: partner, girlfriends, family, etc.  They were there before your child and will (hopefully) be there long after your child has grown up. Read more here from our friends at Care for Kids: The Importance of Self-Care for Mums

3.    Every day is a new day

If you feel like you failed today, remember that tomorrow is just around the corner.  Every day is a chance to reflect and make micro (little) corrections that will change the macro (big) outcome. Treat yourself to generous lashings of grace and forgiveness as you navigate this new adventure of motherhood.

4.    Begin with the end in mind

It is a kindness of nature that we have nine months to prepare for this job. Use this time to plan and prepare. Creating a birth plan is a drop in the bucket compared to creating a life plan. Children are babies for such a short while.  State your intention for this child. Decide what kind of individual you would like your child to grow up to be.  What type of human do your hope to raise? Be specific. Be clear. Then narrow these down to two or three and begin your parenting journey by working backwards. In my case, I wanted my sons to be independent men capable of making good choices.  From the time they were born, I worked towards that goal and am proud to say I am now the Mum of three independent men who are capable of making good choices. Intention is a powerful thing.

I close by reminding you that motherhood is the hardest job in the world. But I promise you the rewards are well worth the effort.  Happy mothering!